Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Data sent and retrieved through this Website may include both publicly available and non-publicly available data, including personal data of Website Users. By "Website Users", we mean any person or entity which has purchased products or services from sites that sell the Controller's products. The personal data of Website Users sent and retrieved through the Website may include: first name and surname, address, email address, telephone number, content of the message attached to gifts, payment status, information about purchases made and all correspondence conducted with Website Users. Providing personal data, as well as consenting to its processing, are completely voluntary. Any personal data provided to us are processed only to the extent and for the purpose to which the Website User has consented. If the Website User does not provide the data necessary to carry out the order and does not agree to have their data processed, it may be impossible to respond to the Consumer's inquiry.

The purpose of data processing

The personal data sent and retrieved through the Website shall be processed in accordance with applicable privacy laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), in order to provide after-sales service for orders placed by Buyers on sites on which the products of the Controller are sold. We do not process personal data sent or retrieved for purposes other than those permitted by law.

Data storage period

We may store and process personal data sent or retrieved through the Website for as long as it is necessary to fulfil an order or agreement. After the indicated period, personal data shall be permanently and securely deleted (in accordance with industry standards). We may also delete and/or return any personal data earlier, immediately upon receiving a request to do so. The Website User shall be entitled to access the contents of their personal data and to request their rectification, to demand their complete deletion, to limit the right to process their personal data, and the right to object to their processing. The Website User shall be entitled to withdraw their consent at any time.

Data sharing

We do not share data with third parties, whether individually labelled or aggregated, transmitted and retrieved through the Website on behalf of the Seller, unless required by law.

Data security

We implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure an adequate level of security with respect to the risks associated with the processing of personal data sent and retrieved through the Website, taking into account the state of the art, the cost of implementation and the nature, scope, context and purposes of the processing, in order to: (a) maintain the security and confidentiality of such data to which we have access, which are collected, used, stored or transmitted by Us; (b) protect such data from known or reasonably anticipated threats to their security and integrity, accidental loss, alteration, disclosure and any other unlawful forms of processing. The indicated measures include: (a) ensuring proper data management through the implementation of a personal data protection policy and keeping records of processing activities and categories of processing activities; (b) implementing a data access control system based on roles within the organisation, on a need-to-know basis and raising awareness among Our employees; (c) implementing procedures governing the handling of security incidents, including recording and monitoring Our systems; (d) implementing technical measures such as network protection measures, creation of regular data backups, and encryption of transmitted and stationary data, including of the backups made. We regularly monitor, review and update the implemented technical and organisational measures.

Website User Rights

As regards the processing of personal data covered by this Privacy Policy, the data subject shall have specific rights under applicable privacy legislation, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). For further information on this topic, please contact the relevant personal data controller.

Cookie Use Policy

In order to provide services by electronic means, the Controller creates and stores temporary files and gains access to selected information in the Website User's devices.

Cookies mean binary data, most often small text files, saved and stored on the Website User's devices, which are used in programming languages for more efficient communication between the website and the User.

Cookies created on the User's devices may originate from either the Controller's system (so-called own Cookies) and external programs to monitor communication on the Internet (so-called external cookies coming from Google and other sites).

The User has the ability to restrict or disable cookie access to their device. If this option is chosen, the User shall be able to use the Website, except for functions that by their nature require the use of cookies.

Purposes of cookie use

Cookies and similar technological solutions are used on websites to ensure correct data transmission between connected computers. They have a very wide range of applications, namely they help to adjust the content of the page to the settings of the recipient's computer, they remember the preferred look of the website, for example, the font size, they ensure the execution of specific activities by the User (for example, adding a product to the basket, making a purchase in an online store). Cookies may also be used to tailor advertisements to the interests of website visitors. It can be said that "cookie" technology is essential to correctly display any interactive pages.

In addition to cookies sent from the website you are connecting to, cookies may also be sent from the servers of referring sites such as Google, YouTube or social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and others.

Generally, we can divide cookies into two types of files:

    • session cookies: they are stored on the User's device and remain there until the end of the session of the particular browser. The recorded information is then permanently deleted from the device memory. The mechanism of session cookies does not allow collecting any personal data or any confidential information from the User's device;

    • persistent cookies: they are stored on the User's device and remain there until deleted. Ending a browser session or switching off the device does not remove persistent cookies from the User's device. The mechanism of persistent cookies does not allow the collection of any personal data or any confidential information from the User's device.

When used correctly, cookies are safe for the User. If they are used correctly, it is not possible for viruses or other unwanted software or malware to enter the Users' devices. These cookies allow us to identify the software used by the User. Cookies usually contain the name of the domain they come from, the time they are stored on the device (it is limited) and the assigned value (key).

Cookies do not collect any personal information, including names and email addresses.

Each User can change their cookie settings in the browser they use, also by completely disabling the storage of cookies. If you do not disable the storage of cookies from various sites, this means that you agree to the recording and storing of cookies on your computer.

The User can delete cookies at any time using the functions available in the web browser they are using.

If the User chooses to reject all cookies, they may not be able to use some of the content and services on our websites, particularly those that require the User to log in and then complete a purchase in an online store, for example. However, disabling cookies shall not prevent the User from browsing most websites.

The User can delete cookies at any time using the functions available in the web browser they are using.

It should be remembered that cookie technology is used by hackers to infect computers and introduce malware. In this case, the cookie technology, which is supposed to ensure correct communication with the website server, is not being used for its intended purpose. Protection against such attacks and other forms of hacking attempts should always be provided in the form of a good antivirus program.

Contact us


We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy without prior notice. Any changes to our Privacy Policy shall become effective at the moment of posting the updated Privacy Policy on our website. If we modify this Privacy Policy, we will update the effective date at the bottom. We recommend that you periodically review this Privacy Policy for any changes.

Effective date: 1 January 2021
